API & Integrations
Using the API you can empower any platform by adding the Seenkit functions with a seamless integration.
To find out more, go to the Seenkit API Documentation
Moodle plugins
Moodle has become a recognized standard in open source LMS. For this reason we developed a set of free plugins that you can download and install to try the Seenkit integration and API potential.
Download the package, install the plugins using the Moodle guided procedure, configure the API access typing your API Key and API Secret and you are done.
For more information see the Seenkit Moodle plugins installation
Seenkit Quick Publish
Speed up lessons and presentations publishing for your teachers
The Quick Publish plugin adds to your Moodle platform the core Seenkit functionalities.
You can assign the "Seenkit user" role to selected users and they will be able to record new presentations saving them in a private space.
The recordings can then be published in courses as Moodle resources.
Seenkit Engage
Engage your students with multimedia assigments
With the Engage plugin your teachers can now use Seenkit to create assignments.
Students are asked to record and submit their own audio / video presentations.
Teachers will evaluate and grade with the standard Moodle tools.